Central Fire Protection District – Santa Cruz, CA

The Central Fire Protection District elected to renovate Station #1 and develop a new fire administration building and a planned replacement of Thurber Lane Fire Station #2. After considerable planning and fund management the Central Fire Protection District, at the direction of their Board, proceeded with an aggressive design and cost management program. The program provided a progressive long-term solution to the renovation of station #1, the replacement of Thurber Lane Fire Station #2, and the development of the fire administration building. Strategic Construction Management, Inc. provided program and construction management services and leadership that contributed to the Central Fire Protection District reaching its goal of completing all the work within one year after the issuance of permits.

During the project Strategic Construction Management, Inc. developed and implemented a logistical safety operation plan. Safety precautions were paramount, as there were many contractors and subcontractors going from one site to another.

Safety was a particularly important aspect of the project because all essential fueling and emergency generation were in operation during the construction process. The fire stations were able to operate their necessary equipment and function throughout the project with no incidents.

Project Details



Central Fire Protection District
930 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062



RRM Design Group Central Coast California (Headquarters)
3765 South Higuera Street, Ste. 102
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
P: (805) 543-1794 | F: (805) 543-4609

Architect for Thurber Lane Station #2:
C3 Design Alliance
2104 Union Street
San Francisco, CA 94123



Tombleson Construction, Inc.
651 South Sanborn Place
Salinas, CA 93901